Thursday 6 October 2011

CFP: The Grenada Intervention 30 Years On: A Retrospective

The Grenada Intervention 30 Years On: A Retrospective

Almost 30 years on from the intervention the events of that period are still strongly contested; so too the legacies of the intervention.

However, a number of recent developments have begun to heal some of the wounds. For example, several former detainees of the People's Revolutionary Government (PRG), including current Prime Minister Tillman Thomas, are now serving in government. In 2006 a Truth and Reconciliation Commission published its report - Redeeming the past: A time for healing; in 2009 the international airport, which was a source of great controversy under the PRG, was renamed after Maurice Bishop; and also in 2009 the last members of the 'Grenada 17' convicted of Bishop's murder were released.

Therefore as the 30th anniversary of the intervention approaches it is a good time to reflect on the significance of these recent developments, as well as looking back at the PRG, the intervention and its aftermath.

Possible topics for inclusion in the special issue of The Round Table are (not exhaustive):

* The legitimacy/legality of the intervention from a contemporary perspective (post-Iraq etc.)
* The role of the US in the Caribbean after the intervention
* The PRG: a re-evaluation
* Intervention and the death of reformist left-wing politics in the Commonwealth Caribbean
* The UK and Grenada from associated statehood to intervention and beyond
* The legal/judicial story of the Grenada 17
* The legacy of the 1979 to 1983 PRG period for Grenada

Schedule for the special issue:

The deadline for papers is Friday 20 July 2012. The editing and peer-review process will take place between August and November 2012. Final copy will be submitted to The Round Table in December 2012. The issue will then be published in April 2013.

Instructions for authors can be found on The Round Table website here:

For further information and/or submission of manuscripts please contact Dr Gary Williams or Dr Peter Clegg.

Dr Gary Williams, University of Essex, E-mail:
Dr Peter Clegg, University of the West of England, E-mail:

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