Wednesday 6 April 2011

Australian Newspapers

Now available on Trove is an increasing collection of digitised Australian newspapers. The Newspapers collections have been digitised as part of the ongoing Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program (ANDP).

The project aims initially to digitise four million pages, and currently has nearly two million pages available, with the remainder awaiting digitisation or adding of metadata to allow searching.
In this collaborative project titles and issues have been selected by State and Territory libraries, and have a focus on state titles, and material published prior to 1955 (for copyright reasons). Some material has been included after this date (including the Australian Women's Weekly) where copyright permission has been granted.

There are hopes that work on this resource will continue after the four year project is completed and the initial four million pages added. The resource is a valuable source for historians, and included advertisements and other material making it a rich source for studying social history.

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