Tuesday 10 August 2010

Beyond the Stain: A Symposium on Australian Convict History

Beyond the Stain: A Symposium on Australian Convict History

Department of History, Room S8.08, Eighth Floor, Strand Building,
King’s College London, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS
Thursday, 16 September 2010

9.30: Welcome

Babette Smith (Independent Historian), Beyond Birthstain
Hilary Carey (University of Newcastle) Clerical Opponents of Transportation
Tim Causer (King’s College London) Anti-transportationism, convict sexuality and Norfolk Island

11.05-11.30: Morning tea

Jonathan auf der Heide, Producer, Director and Co-writer of the film Van Diemen’s Land (2009), in conversation with Ian Henderson (King’s College London)

Tony Moore (Monash University), Remembering the Political Convicts: the Australian colonies and the global public sphere
David Andrew Roberts (University of New England), Placing the Legacy: Some Thoughts on the World Heritage Listing of Australian Convict Sites

1.15-2.15: Lunch

Ian Duffield (University of Edinburgh) Taking Liberties: Australia’s Transported Convicts as Pirates
Kirsty Reid (University of Bristol) Writing transportation: shipboard literacies and convict voyages to Australia
Tina Picton Phillipps (University of Edinburgh) Aspects of the Life of Lawrence Halloran: the tale of an obsession

3.45-4.15: Afternoon tea

David Meredith (University of Oxford), Toiling towards freedom: convict workers in the Probation System in Van Diemen’s Land 1840-1853
Richard Cox (King’s College London), William Cox’s Convict Empire
David Dunstan (Monash University/King’s College London), The Stuff of Legend, Literature and Myth – Convictism in Colonial Victoria

Launch of Tony Moore’s Death or Liberty: Rebels And Radicals Transported To Australia 1788–1868 (Pier 9)

Bookings for the symposium are essential as places are limited: RSVP timothy.causer@kcl.ac.uk

Conveners: Dr. Tim Causer: timothy.causer@kcl.ac.uk; Dr. Frank Bongiorno: frank.bongiorno@kcl.ac.uk

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