Tuesday 3 January 2012

CARIBBEAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION 37th ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2012 May 28 - June 1, 2012 - Le Gosier, Guadeloupe

CARIBBEAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION 37th ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2012 May 28 - June 1, 2012 - Le Gosier, Guadeloupe

UNPACKING CARIBBEAN CITIZENSHIP[S] : Rights, participation and belonging

The Caribbean Studies Association issues a call for papers for its 37th Annual Conference with the theme "Unpacking Caribbean Citizenship: Rights, Participation and Belonging". We invite scholars and practitioners in the humanities, social sciences, public policy and members of civil society organizations whose works focus on the wider Caribbean and its diasporas to submit abstracts of approximately 200 words for research papers and presentations.

The aim of the 2012 conference is to throw light on the concept, its development, evolution and dynamics in particular in its three dimensions: Rights, Participation and Belonging. We want to explore the ways in which citizens in the Caribbean conceive and participate in decisions that affect their lives, their cultures and their environment.

This is a call for contributions for a Special Colloquium / Panel proposal on Corporate citizenship, ethics and social responsibility : Representations, practices and managerial innovations in Small Businesses (SMEs) and/or in the Caribbean

This panel is dedicated to understanding how small and medium enterprises (SME) are impacted by and react to societal issues and stakeholders demands such as sustainable development, social responsibility and ethics in business. Implementing such strategies questions SMEs' missions and goals, decision processes, values and relationships with stakeholders. Management therefore plays a key role in implementing such devices and spirit. Designing new ways, new processes, new organizations to introduce or develop ethics and social responsibility in SME remains an important challenge that calls for innovations abilities. Due to many structural constraints (size of enterprises, financial resources, geographical situation, competencies, etc.), SMEs have difficulties investing in technological innovation, although public policies insist on the necessity to innovate. But others ways exist for SMEs innovation as organizational levers can be mobilized for social and economic progress. Room for action and managerial innovation remains in terms of relevant strategic choices, decision processes, management of resources, sustainable human resource strategies, the development of core individual and collective competencies, responsibility.

We expect contributions that focus on the issues of SME's corporate citizenship, managers' ethics, social responsibility and managerial / organizational innovation.

More specifically, we welcome contributions that will bring answers to the following questions:

- What conceptual frameworks/concepts/theoretical approaches are adapted to understanding and analyzing these issues?

- What practices, what strategies of corporate citizenship in SMEs?

- What kind of processes/devices/categories of managerial innovation in SMEs?

- How do these issues impact working conditions and work relationships?

- What is the meaning given by actors to these strategies? How do these issues enable actors to give meaning to work?

- How do these issues impact professional identities and organizational culture?

- How do historical, post-colonial, social and cultural contexts impact corporate citizenship, ethical behaviours and social responsibility?

- In what manner do collective representations and/or social uses of History contribute to or limit the development of corporate citizenship and social responsibility strategies?

We invite contributions that will bring together different theoretical fields, new or critical perspectives in management and social science.

Interested contributors must send a communication proposal (around 250 words) in English or French before January 5th 2012 to :

After the conference, authors will have the possibility to submit their paper for publication in an academic journal or a collective book.

Info : http://www.caribbeanstudiesassociation.org/


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