Wednesday 20 January 2010

Australian and New Zealand Library and Archives Group (ANZLAG) Workshop

The annual ANZLAG (Australia and New Zealand Library and Archives Group) workshop will be held on Monday 10th May 2010, and hosted by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies Library, in Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU.

This is both an advance notice and a call for presentations and papers.

We are interested in presentation on the following themes:

* Australian and New Zealand (and Pacific) literature collections in the UK
* UK publishing of works by Australian and New Zealand authors, and researching publishers archives
* Notable library and archive collections in the UK and Europe

We also plan a round table on issues relating to current publishing including legal deposit and parallel importing.

Researchers, librarians and archivists are all encouraged to contact me with suggested topics - and we would encourage anyone interested to get in touch. Please forward this to anyone you think may be interested.

Further details of programme and cost will be sent out once available

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